what you think about obama


Staff member
Oct 15, 2008
I think he will make black people proud and be a great president

I think he will be a great president...but i cant help the feeling 'change' was meant to come with mandella...

He has made history...big up Obama!
obama is a good speaker and he seems to be able to motivate people to think different. now he needs to back up his words and show people he can deliver what him promise. yes everyone have to help, cuz he cant do it alone but still....action speak louder than words. the way things are being betrayed in the media and the tough times ahead for america and the rest of the world its not gonna be easy. all I do know is that america is better off with obama in these times and the times to come.

obama gwaan like him confuse

Obama gwaan like him confuse now him nuh know who fi pick for run the country.. The man ah show him inexperience self now, me vote fi him but him choosing the rong secretary state him fi pick john kerry or the man from new mexico state, make hilary in different position..:(:(:mad:
obama lip dem jus black and need likkle ambi pan it..hehehehe....come kill me now nuh...unu fuk awf
well we have nuff black president in africa and dem all corumpt and teef!!

..obama can do shit wid out the federal bank saying yes you can gwan...
the only ting obama changed its we will not call unnu afro american no more but american...which is a giant step already...but the road still long belive me.

obama is a good speaker and he seems to be able to motivate people to think different. now he needs to back up his words and show people he can deliver what him promise. yes everyone have to help, cuz he cant do it alone but still....action speak louder than words. the way things are being betrayed in the media and the tough times ahead for america and the rest of the world its not gonna be easy. all I do know is that america is better off with obama in these times and the times to come.


have to agree wit u
obama has 0 experience.....within his first year he'' do worst than bush

Shamrock how can you say that? Seriously. I would say even shamrock could do better than bush. So how can you come yah an say dem fuckery ting bout my future president? Cha... An furda more bush nuh iinna Obama class... so doh compare mi president to dat.

Billy... Billy Billy Billy... O yuh so lie bout vote. Yuh eva hear of dem a allow alien fi vote? LMAO woieee!!! Love you Billy. Muah!
Ahhh bwoy...di man nuh even have him 1st day inna office yet and some a unnu a badmind him already. The change that he has brought is the hope he has given to americans of all races and creeds. The current situation we are dealing with in America needs to be dealt with. Not by a seasoned politician who is thoroughly threaded within the problems on Capitol Hill, but with a newcomer like Obama who can reach across party lines, unify, invigorate and encourage progress. Only time will tell if he will suceed or not. One thing is for sure. The support he was given throughout his campaign, is the same support that he will be reying on throughout his presidency.
unu a galang like obama is di messiah...if unu put di faith wey unu have inna obama inna God di world wuda be a better place...big up God....a dat me a sey...fuk obama!!!
i think he is a great choice and its not only a great win for America but for the whole world.
I really hope that he will make the changes he`s talking about and that he not let hisself gettin corrupt by the "Worldsystem" so early.

Even if I´m German i put a lot of hope in this new american President for helping to change the world.(because u can`t put your hope in Angela Merkel)
Obama being president is a scary thing if you ask me. A lot of people... minorities especially, feel as though they can relax now and take things easy because a black man is president and that everything is gonna change. And that couldn't be further from the truth. Like most politicians. They all say one thing and contradict themselves almost every time. Obama is no different. I hope he does make change but I truly believe the people in america are in for a rude awakening. Like Waryah said. "...obama can do shit wid out the federal bank saying yes you can gwan...
well its hard for him to make change when congress and the senate fight againts everything he does.
He cant do it by himself due to check of balances of congress so thats whats stopping everything
I hear what your saying Rexxxy, but I have to disagree. There are laws that are being passed that have not been
reported by the mainstream media but Obama promised transparency. So why just that. The federal reserve
bank doesn't seem to want to let the people of the un country know where and how they have been spending money. But again no transparecy.
It feels as if they have something to hide. I don't know politics like that and I won't claim too act like I know what's going on.
I'm still learning. But if the president tells me he will get troops home as soon as he becomes
president and and then does the opposite by sending 17,000 troops. I have to wonder what's really going on.

I still hope things get better under Obama but I just don't see it happening.
For me, Obama flopped when he mentioned he would fix one thing. The e-con-o-my. I had high hopes in the very real backative he had, but it all amounted to nothing.
you got to be realistic, he doesnt have supreme power and ever thing he trys to do the congress and senate blocks him or stop him because they dont want him to succeed. also it took bush 8 years to distroy the economy what miracle do you expect him to work when all the jobs been outsourced to other country with no new emerging industry in america to give and sustain new jobs
you got to be realistic, he doesnt have supreme power and ever thing he trys to do the congress and senate blocks him or stop him because they dont want him to succeed. also it took bush 8 years to distroy the economy what miracle do you expect him to work when all the jobs been outsourced to other country with no new emerging industry in america to give and sustain new jobs

Yo I'm new here but Rexxxy I have to agree with you on this. It's all about not wanting him to succeed so what they do strike down all of his proposals.