Bass Odyssey Father Kieth "Squingy no need to beg money"

Live Interview with Father Keith and Lady Lyrical from Vibes Reggae Arena

Approximately five years ago Squingy was diagnosed with a life threatening illness (Lung Cancer) which out of respect for him and at his request has been kept secret. Only a select few were privileged with knowing this sensitive information as this was necessary in maintaining his health.

Squingy is said to be in the Intensive Care Unit of a Tampa Bay hospital, is rapidly deteriorating.

Part 1
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Part 2
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I need to say this.....

Since this interview the sad news has hit the sound world that squingy - the greatest emcee - the michael jordan of the clash world has passed.

The news in itself is extremely sad and wether your a sound or a sound fan, hundreds of thousands of people who ever had the pleasure of witnessing squingy in action is truely in morning.

What really adds saddness to the situation for me tho is since squingy has passed the statement that came from father keith from bass oddessy.

Father keith in my interview with you i stated that i wish no disrespect on you. And i rate all that bass oddessy has accomplished in their time, but i cannot and will not respect the fact that a member of bass oddessy still has not flown to the usa to assist in dealing with the aftermath of squingys death.

The statement released said that they will wait for squingys body to be sent back to jamaica in which then they will hold a funeral....

Father keith you told me you would like to take a lead role when he was alive, the only lead role i saw taken was the posts from yourself on various internet websites. Now that squingy has passed, i would hope that yourself would fly to tampa and escort our hero back to jamaica to give him the 'king style' funeral he fully deserves.
In addition maybe bass oddessy could represent at the memorial dance put together by tek 9 and kirky c.

The time is not now to deal wid passapassa or who is to blame, but action is required.

If you truely cared for squingy and respected all the money he made you then this is the least you could do. You owe him this.

To date other than internet posts and interviews i can truely say i cannot see or hear of anything else that bass oddessy have done for squingy, his fans or his family in this desperate time.

I mean no disrespect and have tried to stay neutral...but since squingys passing i cant help but say what is on my mind and clearly lots of other peoples minds also.

Please do the right thing.
Lyrical the things you are saying are very tru.....the family needs everyones support though all of this , i do heear people saying money should be sent now.............because squingy is already gone, but they dont realize there are alot of things that need to be done now , his family needs this , and as far as keith not know bout this ...........its a bunch of bullshit, because as close as he was to him .he should of known...........i mean why doesnt he just say he knew.....and be done with it.

Big up lyrical for getting alot of the questions out there that alot of us wanted to know.