Featured Artiste: Cen C Love

Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Fashion Designer, Visual Artist, Cen’C Love is a 21st century renaissance woman. Born in America to Caribbean parents, Cen’C Love was raised between Kingston, Jamaica, New York and Atlanta. Her early school years in Jamaica grounded her in her father’s culture and exposed her to the roots of Rastafari culture and Reggae music.

Traveling throughout most of her summers with her designer/dancer mother, Sequoia of Ites International, she attended music, art and trade festivals around the US where she received some of the inspiration that she now applies to her own art.

Cen’C has the sultry voice and soulful sounds of a Billie Holiday, the musicianship of Lauryn Hill and the word wit of Jill Scott. None of this should be surprising since Cen’C is the prodigy of the illustrious “Wailers” family of Reggae and the daughter of founding member of the acclaimed group, Neville Livingston, AKA Bunny Wailer.

Her debut album, Love Letter, on the Lyvestone Music label, is a musical journey through the myriad landscapes of Love. Her message is poignant and inspiring in songs like Paradise and Hey You, stripping away the fear of baring our souls to love. The Wailers’ legacy becomes clearly apparent in Cen’C’s socially conscious songs such as Cystem, which describes the Babylon matrix control system and These Lies, about low self esteem and the resulting obsessions with materialism and artificial identities.

Cen C Love - These Lies

In addition to music, Cen’C embraces a natural holistic lifestyle through the practices of Yoga, Meditation, Qi-Gong and holistic nutrition. She is an environmentally conscious woman who intends to add Midwife to her list of abilities.

When Cen C Love is asked what she wants to accomplish in the music industry, she said;
I was born free with the real truth inside of me Provided by the will of the almighty, Free to be who I’m destined to be.

Zakiya Mecca



Social Media:
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cenclovemusic
twitter: http://twitter.com/cenclovemusic