Kym New Song Bubble Making Waves

Fresh from her performances in French Guiana, Kym has been enjoying
the heavy rotation of her new song "Bubble" on the quick fix riddim. This
has been her biggest hit since leaving the gaza in 2010. She has been
working with Bounty Killa and payday music group and they have been
giving her the support she needs to build back the confidence she lost
last year.

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Kym has released two songs with Payday music group, Haffi come back
and Bubble. She has two collaboration one with Patexxx from ANG and
the other with Raine Seville from Dacesa, both schedule for release this
year, along with a few more tracks. Her mixtape "The Rebirth" was produced
by Dj Purfiya from Florida and was released in April had a whopping 20k
digital downloads so far.

Kym has been working on her image, her music and her stage performance.
She is ready for what ever the future hold and hopes to continue making
music that will continue getting radio play worldwide. "I'm feeling blessed"
was what Kym said, when asked about the song. Kym is back stronger
and better thanks to the support of the Alliance, which she is an official
member of.

sound gud............................................................................................................................................................