Featured Artist: Gyptian

Just when you thought you’ve heard it all, along comes an artist with the power and vitality to steer reggae in a new direction. At age twenty-six, Gyptian sounds like no one else and, unlike 99% of his peers; he’s oblivious to the constant parade of one hit wonders. His new hit single “Hold You” is breaking records and entering charts that reggae music seldom appears on.

His song is currently on numerous Billboard charts; #51 on Hot R&B singles chart, #15 on Top 25 Hot Singles chart and the #1 Reggae Digital single with over 40,000 units purchased in 5 weeks. This tune has opened the eyes of present and new fans alike. The rediscovery of his great talent is refreshing to Reggae music as a whole. Since the release of his previous albums My Name is Gyptian and I Can Feel Your Pain, his presence and voice has not faltered. His soothing vocals has carried his bold views from the island of Jamaica to the world.

Gyptian gains inspiration from his surroundings. Bringing authentic lyrics in conjunction with a voice that demands to be heard; Gyptian returns with his third soon to be released album titled Hold You, which adds another notch to his already remarkable catalog of music.

Gyptian’s been rocking the mic since he was a school boy, mashing it up in the church choir on Sunday mornings and, by night, wowing the massive at his father Basil Edward’s sound system dances in Kingston’s working class Barbican district. Lying between baritone and tenor vocals, Gyptian can’t be pigeonholed into one sound.

In 2006 his debut album My Name Is Gyptian was released. Itintroduced his voice to the airwaves around the world; his incendiary hit “Serious Times” was declared Jamaica’s Most Important Song of 2005. He achieved crossover fame with the smooth and upbeat track “Beautiful Lady,” gaining airplay on popular radio stations like Hot 97 in New York. Gyptian was nominated as Best New Reggae Artist and named the Most Promising Entertainer at the 2006 International Reggae and World Music Awards.

Gyptian surpasses the standards established on his noteworthy debut album with his inspiring sophomore effort “I Can Feel Your Pain.” From the unforgettably and beautiful title track to his passionate heartfelt hit “Love Against The Wall.” “I Can Feel Your Pain” offered sophisticated and genuine lyrics from Gyptian. His new album Hold You that’s on the horizon, promises to bring the hit making, thought provoking music that we all have come to know and appreciate. “I’m trying to make songs that people can understand and tell them what they can do to help themselves – how they can get whatever they need,” Gyptian says. “I want to influence the people.

One man can’t carry the world, and I’m not saying I’m a saint or anything. I’m just trying.”Gyptian puts his heart and soul in every song he produces. His goal is to provide feel good music to the masses in the hope that he can revitalize the spirit of the people and Reggae music.