Coconut Drops


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2013
cdrops 004.jpg


· 1 medium dried coconut (it must be a dried coconut)

· 5 tablespoons minced or shredded ginger

· 3 cups dark unprocessed sugar.

· 1 cup Water


Use a sharp point to puncture the three eyes of the coconut and drain the water

Break the coconut using a hammer and remove the hard outer shell.

Using a small knife dice the coconut flesh into ½ x ¼ inch cubes.

Combine the diced coconuts cubes and ginger

Place in a deep pot with the sugar and water.

Put stove on high and boil

Boil until water gone and the sugar is like Carmel and sticky.

Place a sheet of greased paper (can also use moistened foil paper) on a flat surface (kitchen counter) close by. (In Jamaica some use Banana leaves instead of greased paper)

Stir the mixture in the pot with a large spoon to be sure it does not stick to the bottom.

Use the spoon to scoop out mixture to create 1-1/4-inch wide mounds on the greased paper.

Each 1-1/4-inch wide mound should be placed in a separate heap on the greased paper.

Let the drops cool and harden. Serve